Mental Health Zone

Psychological support platform

Almost all of us at least once in our life experience a crisis or traumatic event such as an earthquake, flood, perilous migration journey, pandemic, war, violence, traffic accident or other events that can result in tremendous losses for individuals or communities. This platform is designed as a basic psychological support tool to help you cope with short-term and long-term reactions to crisis events and traumatic experiences.

The platform was developed by Médecins du Monde ASBL – Dokters van de Wereld (MdM-BE) team in Croatia as part of the project ”Osigurati pravovremeni odgovor na potrebe sada- OPOPS!”. The project was co-funded by the European Union (The European Social Fund) and by the Office for Cooperation with NGOs of the Government of the Republic of Croatia.

The content of the platform is the sole responsibility of Médecins du Monde ASBL- Dokters van de Wereld VZW.

The platform consists of three parts: introduction, questionnaire and advice on how to help yourself when such events occur. 

Read about what a crisis / traumatic event is, what a psychological crisis is, when to seek professional help…

Fill out the questionnaire about the difficulties people often experience after living through a crisis event and learn more about the difficulties you are dealing with.

Read suggestions and tips that may be useful to you in solving problems caused by crisis events.